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submission guidelines

Update: October 2021


Submissions are closed this month! Please check our Twitter account for updates on new themed issues and submission periods.

general submission info

3 Moon Magazine embraces marginalized, new, and non-western voices.


This includes BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and disabled communities, as well as genre writers and writers with few or no publications. If you are a new writer (someone with three or fewer publications) please make a note of it in your cover letter, so that your submission can be moved to the top of the pile!


Kindness and supporting creative work is part of our mission, and it’s our goal to send personalized rejections with at least one line of feedback.


We want to read your previously unpublished poetry, short stories, essays, and visual arts. We’re intrigued by the literary and the genre, the traditional and the experimental.


We will NOT publish work that is racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, or needlessly violent. Please do not send it to us.


We accept non-English work, but require an English translation. We don’t provide translation services. If you are a translator submitting another author’s work, you must have the author’s permission to submit.


Submissions open on the 3rd through 13th of every month. Work submitted outside of this period will not be read. We are a small, volunteer team, and read as quickly as we can. We will try our best to get back to you within three months. If you haven’t heard from us by then, send a query!


We welcome simultaneous submissions, but let us know if your piece is accepted elsewhere.

formatting & submittal info

Send your work via email:


Subject line (and attachment name): 

[Month][Year][Type] - [First name][Last name]

ex. December 2021 Art - Kit B


Be sure to introduce yourself to our editors and include a brief, third person bio.

We can’t wait to read your work!

Fiction and Creative Non-Fiction

  • Submit one .doc or .docx file at a time.

  • Prose submissions should be no longer than 1500 words.

  • Attachment name should have the month and year of submission, submission type, and first and last name.

    • ex. December 2021 Fiction - Frankie Martinez



  • Submit up to three poems in one file at a time.

  • Please submit .doc or .docx files unless formatting requires that you submit .pdfs.

  • ​Poetry submissions should be no longer than 5 pages, with each poem beginning on a new page.

  • Attachment name should have the month and year of submission, submission type, and first and last name.

    • ex. December 2021 Poetry - Efren Castro


Visual Arts

  • Submit up to three images in one email at a time.

  • .jpg or .png

  • Attachment name should have the month and year of submission, submission type, and first and last name.

    • ex. December 2021 Poetry - Sarah Reed

good to know

At this time, we are a labor of love, and we do not provide remuneration.

We hope to change this in the future!


If your work is accepted:

1) We will have First Serial Rights

2) We have non-exclusive Electronic Archival Rights to showcase your work indefinitely on our site


After publication in our magazine, all rights revert back to you. If you re-publish your work elsewhere, please credit 3 Moon Magazine as the original publisher of the work.

Any other questions? Send them to


2021 © 3 Moon Independent Publishing

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